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Upcoming Events


**Fall Classes will start Monday, September 12th, 2022**
The Class Schedule is for the entire academic year.  Fall 2022 through Winter/Spring 2023
Unless specified, classes will be held Mondays from 9am - 3pm.  See Meeting Dates listed below the schedule.
Classes may be changed around or cancelled depending on enrollment.
To register for classes, request to join our Homeschool-life community by clicking on "Join". 
You will receive an email confirming your request, then you will be able to access the registration menu.

PLEASE check class description for clarification on ages and topics covered.


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Meeting Dates: (Tentative dates for now since members will be surveyed at the start of the Fall Session)

Monday 9/12 - First Day of Classes
Mondays in September:  9/19;  9/26
Mondays in October:  10/3;  10/10;  10/17;  10/24;  10/31
Mondays in November:  11/7;  11/14;  11/28  There will be no meeting Monday 11/21 - Thanksgiving Week.
Mondays in December: 12/5 and 12/12
Monday 12/12 - Last Day of Fall Session
Winter Break - From Tuesday 12/13 Through Sunday 01/08/2023
Monday 01/09 - First Day of Spring Session
Mondays in January: 01/16;  01/23;  01/30
Mondays in February: 02/06;  02/13;  02/20;  02/27
Mondays in March: 
Mondays in April:    There will be no meeting Monday 04/10 - Easter Monday
Mondays in May: 05/01;  05/08;  05/15
Monday 05/22 - Last Day of Spring Session


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